Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

At Infinite Path, we offer Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), a structured and evidence-based approach designed to help individuals heal from traumatic experiences and distressing memories. EMDR uses the brain’s natural healing processes to support emotional recovery and personal growth.

What is EMDR?

EMDR is a comprehensive therapy that helps individuals process and resolve distressing memories that have become “stuck” in the brain. These memories may cause ongoing emotional pain, anxiety, or unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaviour. EMDR helps the brain reprocess these memories so they become less upsetting and can be stored more adaptively.

This therapy is based on the idea that, just as the body heals from physical injury, the mind can also heal from psychological wounds when given the right support.

How Does EMDR Work?

EMDR therapy follows a structured eight-phase model and often uses eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation (such as sounds or taps) to help the brain reprocess difficult memories. During a session, the therapist guides the client in recalling a specific memory while applying bilateral stimulation. This helps reduce the emotional charge connected to the memory and allows for new, more adaptive thoughts to take their place.

The process includes:

  • History and Planning – Developing a treatment plan and identifying target memories.
  • Preparation – Teaching calming and grounding techniques to ensure a sense of safety.
  • Assessment – Identifying thoughts, emotions, and body sensations linked to the memory.
  • Desensitization – Using eye movements or other methods to reduce the emotional impact of the memory.
  • Installation – Strengthening positive, helpful beliefs about oneself.
  • Body Scan – Checking for any remaining physical tension related to the memory.
  • Closure – Ensuring the client leaves the session feeling safe and grounded.
  • Re-evaluation – Reviewing progress and identifying any remaining areas to address.

Many clients experience noticeable shifts in how they feel about past events, often gaining a sense of relief and empowerment.

What Can EMDR Help With?

EMDR is best known for its use in treating trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but it has also been shown to be effective for a variety of other concerns, including:

  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Depression and low mood
  • Phobias and fears
  • Complicated grief
  • Stress-related issues
  • Addictions and urges
  • Chronic pain or phantom limb pain
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Low self-esteem or performance anxiety

By helping the brain process unhelpful memories, EMDR supports long-term emotional healing and improved coping in the present.

What to Expect in an EMDR Session

EMDR is a collaborative and client-centred process. During sessions, clients are supported to explore specific memories in a safe and structured way. The therapist will guide the process and offer tools for emotional regulation. EMDR is not hypnosis—you remain fully awake, in control, and can stop at any time.

A typical session may involve:

  • Identifying a distressing memory and related thoughts or emotions.
  • Following a set of bilateral eye movements or other stimulation while focusing on the memory.
  • Noticing any changes in emotions, thoughts, or body sensations that arise.
  • Repeating the process until the memory feels less distressing.
  • Reinforcing a new, more positive belief about oneself.

Some people notice improvement after just a few sessions, while others may benefit from longer-term work depending on their needs.

Start Your EMDR Journey Today

If you are feeling stuck, overwhelmed by past experiences, or caught in distressing patterns, EMDR therapy may help. At Infinite Path, our trained and compassionate therapists are here to guide you through this effective and empowering process so you can move forward with greater clarity and strength.

Contact us today to learn more or book an appointment.

Practitioners who offer EMDR

Denise Stacey

Denise Stacey

M.A., Registered Provisional Psychologist

Lareina Dibben

Lareina Dibben

M.A., Registered Provisional Psychologist



M.A., Mental Health Therapist

Not covered by insurance plans

If you’d like to book an appointment or learn more about EMDR, please contact us today.

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